Peer-review policy

The Jurnal Kebidanan operates a double-blind peer-review process. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by editors and section editors, and only those that meet the objectives and scope of the journal will be submitted for external review. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two referees. When deemed necessary, the editor will seek the assistance of additional expert reviewers in order to reach a final fair decision.

The editors do their best to reduce the time that elapses between the submission of a paper and publication in the regular edition. It is expected that the review and publication process will be completed within approximately 3-12 months after submission depending on reviewer feedback and the final decision of the editor. If a revision is requested, of course, the publication time will be longer. The final decision of articles acceptance will be made by editors according to the reviewer's comments. At the end of the review process, accepted papers will be published with a DOI number on the journal's website.